The VVNightingale Book Club #1

Hey Lovelies! I've never really talked about books on this blog at all, so I thought I would start my own book series to share with you books I am reading or have read in the past - in a variety of genres. I'll be honest, I used to read so much when I was younger and would always be so engrossed in books, but once I hit my teens I really stopped reading as much as I used to. So in a way I'm doing this series to try and reignite my love for reading! Oh and you also might have noticed that I haven't done a Little Blogging Tips Series post this week as I'm thinking of taking a break from it and possibly continuing the series later when I'm more inspired!


'Make-up to me, is all about creativity, expression and having fun. I love the fact that makeup can represent how you feel on any particular day and really help to complete a look. If I have a day when I want to feel very feminine and stylish, I try to re-create Audrey Hepburn's look and if I was going out and wanted to feel like a sexy bombshell then I would go for a Marilyn Monroe look. I love the fact that I can wake up feeling and looking like one person and then leave the house looking like someone else!'

Originally I wasn't going to buy Love, Tanya as I was scared away by the price of £12.99, but after finding it in sale for £6.49, I gave in and bought it. Love, Tanya is separated into different sections mostly autobiographical but the book also includes makeup, fashion and skincare tips as well as some rather yummy looking recipes (which I will definitely be trying out soon). If you're not a big Tanya fan, I'd still say this book is worth buying - as I've already picked up some really useful makeup tips and it has made me like Tanya even more than I did before.

You can buy this book here


'All I could think of was the dress. Had I seen it... had it really happened? And how had it looked? Jesus, it had been masterfully cut, that was for sure... But what kind of cut? And - what kind of black? Coal black? Lamp Black? No, that wasn't it... Ebony black? Or Payne's grey? Or even a very dark shade of burnt umber? But only tastes came to my mind, not colours.'

I was lucky to be sent this book by Katrina, and it's actually her first novel which must be really exciting for her. I have to say that I genuinely loved this book. The story follows Oscar Pellegrini, a talented fashion designer who falls into a creative crisis. Panicking over his inability to create, he makes an impulsive trip to Russia where he discovers a magical machine that turns ordinary garments in to absolutely stunning outfits. Using this machine, he quickly becomes wildly famous but finds that making these garments comes with a price, as the dresses he's created start to become evil.

You can buy the electronic version of this book here


If you love books that make you laugh, then I would really recommend this book of comics by Tom Gauld. This is a lovely little book, that is perfect to keep around the place and flick through now and then. The joke about the Feminist Fairy Godmother gets me every time!

You can buy this book here


'Now she was even keener to find out more about her intriguing dance partner. 'Well, I'm glad she did,' she said. 'This would be a nightmare if I was partnered with someone as clueless as I am.' 
Henry gave her a wolfish grin, revealing small, sharp teeth. His eyes looked almost tawny in the afternoon light, like a lion stalking prey.'

Northanger Abbey is part of the Jane Austen Re-imagined collection, where famous authors re-write Austen's books in a modern setting. I'm a massive Austen fan, so loved seeing the way that Val McDermid re-imagined one of Austen's not so well known books in a fun and imaginative way. The story follows Vampire obsessed Cat Morland who takes a trip to Edinburgh Festival and meets the handsome and mysterious Henry Tilney who lives in the even more mysterious Northanger Abbey. When Cat's invited to stay, her imagination runs riot and she finds herself jumping to conclusions. 

You can buy this book here

Thank you for reading lovelies - I'd love to know what you're reading, so let me know in the comment section below!


  1. I still haven't bought Tanya's book yet, however I am so exited to give it a read, judging by the reviews I have read and the photographs I have seen it looks like a great read and something I would love to get stuck in to.

    Ooh La Luce | Beauty, Life, Fashion

    1. It's a really nice book, I love flicking through it whilst drinking a cup of tea!

  2. The Tom Gauld book looks hilarious! I need to get that for my MIL, I think she will fall over laughing!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Haha yeah it is absolutely hilarious! My dad bought it for my birthday years ago and I still end up looking at it!

  3. I've been deliberating buying Tanya's book for ages, I thought it would be more autobiographical than actually helpful, but you may have swayed me ^_- x

    1. It's definitely got some great tips in it :)

  4. This may have just persuaded me to get Tanya's book. I've been on the fence about it for a while as I love her recipes but I'm not really a beauty/fashion fan. The Tom Gauld comic looks great *adds to book list*.

    Cup of Tea and a Pen

    1. Yeah it's one of my favourite books (the Tom Gauld one)

  5. I just finished reading Stolen by Lucy Christopher - I loved it! I really like reading posts on people's favourites books xx

    Ioanna |

    1. Me too, I'm always curious to find out what people are reading/have read!

  6. Yeah the covers are really nice!

  7. I want love tanya sooooooo bad

    check out my newest post

  8. Oh, these all look wonderful! Thank you for sharing ♥
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections


Thanks for your comments, I love reading them and will be sure to visit your blog soon :) have a lovely day!